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BPIC Membership Assessment 

This form is intended to gauge your organisation's commitment to ethnic minority representation and social impact.

Company Size
Is your organisation dedicated to ensuring ethnic minority representation and making a social impact?
Not Sure
Does the company have a formal diversity and inclusion (D&I) policy?
Yes, and it explicitly includes ethnic minorities.
Yes, but it does not specify ethnic minorities.
No, but there are informal practices in place.
No, there is no D&I policy or practice.
Is training provided to employees regarding diversity and inclusion?
Regular, mandatory training on cultural competency and anti-racism.
Optional training sessions on general diversity topics.
No specific training related to diversity and inclusion.
Does your company have a collection of materials related to diversity and inclusion available on your intranet or shared drive?
Does the company have employee resource groups (ERGs) or affinity groups for ethnic minorities?
Yes, and they are actively supported and funded by the company.
Yes, but they are not well-supported or funded.
No, but there are informal groups or networks.
No, there are no ERGs or affinity groups for ethnic minorities.
Does your company address and handle incidents of discrimination or bias in the workplace?
Yes, through a formal complaint process
Yes, through mediation and counseling
We do not have a process of handling conflict at this moment and would like help implementing one.
Does your company ensure diverse representation in its hiring practices and leadership positions?
Does your company participate in or sponsor events that promote cultural awareness and inclusion
Do you utilize a diverse supply chain?
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